What is a Doula?

A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a pregnant person before, during and shortly after childbirth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. Countless scientific trials examining doula care demonstrate remarkably improved physical and psychological outcomes for both mother and baby. Doulas have a positive impact on the well-being of the entire family.

  • A listening ear for processing emotions related to Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting

  • Prepare and supporting your birth partner or team

  • Answer questions related to your healthcare and physical changes during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, including ways to support the baby for optimal positioning

  • Self-Advocacy Coaching

  • Trusted Referral Support

  • Encouragement and trust in your intuition

  • Collaborate with your healthcare team to reduce harmful communication, touch, or unnecessary interventions

  • Remind you to drink water, eat and rest

Doulas help throughout the entire perinatal period.

doula can be both a strong personal connection and a helpful resource to have in planning for you during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. 

Pregnancy. In your prenatal visits, a doula can give a lot of useful information on what labor actually looks like, talk to you about all of your options – for comfort and medical purposes – and help you feel more prepared for this big life transition. 

Birth. You get to decide what role your doula plays in your birth experience. Doulas provide consistent support from the time you call until you have given birth. They can meet you at your home or your birthing location and stay with you if you need to transfer locations. Doulas can offer massage, encouraging words, media for distraction, suggestions of different labor positions, and many other comfort measures. They can also advocate for your wishes based on your birth planning process so that you have the best birth experience possible. You define what a positive birth experience means for you (medicated, unmedicated - all of it!)

Postpartum. I will offer guidance to newborn care and lactation, including any ways you would like to feed your baby. I am also here to support you with everyday errands to help you rest, recover and have the space to be present with your family. I am also trained to identify postpartum mood disorders or emergencies and will support you in getting help if these challenges arise.